Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Bevie and Janet

Last week my dear friends Bevie and Janet came to visit me.  These two  split their time between California and Massachusetts and left for the east coast prior to my diagnosis.  Lucky for me they had a family vacation planned in Aptos that brought them back to California.  That meant a stop to see me!

We have way too much fun together.  Our relationship started out as a working one through Scott a few years ago but as soon as we met we became friends, if not family.  I adore them and their family so much.  The visit consisted of Janet going full medical mode (she is a nurse) on my foobies and checking out the sweet scars, getting up close and personal with the new bra to hold my rock hard foobs, and a whole bunch of laughter.  I just wish the visit could have lasted longer.  Hopefully we are able to get together before they head back to the opposite coast.

Janet and Bevie are always bringing the kids treats from a yummy bakery near their house in California.  This time they had a beautiful cake made in support of breast cancer.  Not only was it the coolest looking cake, it was family devoured it in two days...

1 comment:

  1. Awe sweetie! We made your blog! You are such an amazing woman and your family is awesome! And yes, we consider you family!!! We send you prayers daily for strength, humor, and faith! Remember, Nurse Ratshit is always available!!! See you when we get back from the beach, unless you need a drive out this way!
    Love you much, Janet & Bevie


New Website

Keep up to date at the new website!! Has all the old blog posts and more.  Can't wait for you to check it out.