Thursday, May 17, 2018

Just Put a Port In It

Prior to cancer I had only had two surgeries; right breast lumpectomy and tonsils removed.  Since April 7th, my diagnosis date, I have had 5 mammograms, 2 ultrasounds, 2 breast biopsies, 1 sentinel node biopsy and let me just say it included 4 radioactive nipple juice injections (holy moly ouch), bilateral mastectomy, breast reconstruction expansion, and port installation surgery.  That means in less than one month I have had more surgeries than I did in 36 years.  If you reflect on that it's a little impressive and I feel like I should get an award or something.

 Overall the port surgery was the easiest out of all I have had in the past month.  It helped that the team of surgeons, doctors, nurses, and radiologist that worked with me that day were certifiably crazy.  I have never had so much fun before, during, and even after a procedure.  They were teasing each other, dancing to mariachi music and something from the 50's, followed by a little gansta' rap that all were singning.  My memories of this day just make me chuckle.  It was so fun I begged all of them to come back together in a year and do the removal surgery for me, keeping my fingers crossed they will.

That's the picture I sent to Scott after I got home.  You will notice I still have my sexy camisole on that holds my drains.  The nurses were a bit freaked out when I showed up with my drains and cut out boobs still healing.  But after much discussion all was good and the surgery went off without a hitch.  My nurse told me he was a virgin when it came to doing surgery on a chick that had just had her breast chopped off.  He was in the military and deployed 4 times so he thought he'd seen it all.  I told him I was happy to be his first.

I was more sore after this surgery than the others, probably because I still have nerves in that location unlike the mastectomy where they all had to be removed.  One of the things I was not prepared for was the stinging sensation that accompanies the catheter being inserted into the vein.  That is no joke a nasty feeling.  Thankfully it took about two days to go away and then wasn't noticeable.

For this surgery I have to go back multiple times to get bandages changed and for my team to make sure everything is healing how it should.  Earlier this week I got the first set of bandages removed.  Again a picture I took to send to Scotty.  I should probably start attempting to take better pictures since I am posting on here, no promises, but I will try!  If you look above my shirt on the right side you can see a small wound that is healing.  This is the location that they cut to install the catheter into my vein.  It was still bruised but gets to breath leaving me with one less bandage, you can see my excitement.  For the next week I go back to get my bandages changed over the port location, it is the white bandage peeking out of my shirt in that picture.  Once that bandage is officially removed, hopefully by next Thursday, I will be one step closer to taking a full fledged shower.

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New Website

Keep up to date at the new website!! Has all the old blog posts and more.  Can't wait for you to check it out.